Relationships : Demonstrating Your Affection- By: Mark Thomas

Description : You may have heard the expression born romantic or, perhaps, you have seen a couple being affectionate to each other and wondered why your relationships haven’t been the same. The fact is though, that very few people are naturally romantic, it is rather a result of practice on their behalf. Rather than just expecting romance to happen, as if by magic, they have spent time learning what it takes to be romantic. This is something which you can learn and practice too.

You first need to recognize the whole point of being romantic, which is to make your partner feel cared for and special. Then, you need to understand that plenty of little, but thoughtful, gestures on a regular basis is better than the occasional, large gesture. Well, in an ideal world, you would implement both approaches but, start small and regularly first, and then add in grander gestures as added surprises.

If you are not entirely sure what your partner wants, you may need to try different things at first. Think back to what you have tried in the past, and which of your previous acts and gestures proved successful. Also, think about tv shows and movies that you have seen together, and whether any of the people in those did or said things which your partner said were sweet or cute. Try to add a new spin or twist to ideas though, as simply copying shows a lack of thought and care on your behalf.

If you are short on ideas for ways to demonstrate your affection, try some of the following suggestions:

Send a text message saying how much you love them
Write and post a letter to them
Send a romantic email and attach your favorite picture of the two of you
Give compliments each and every time you see each other
Always kiss them before you leave and when you return
Unexpectedly kiss them
Make hugs a regular thing
Hold hands while walking together
Write love notes and leave them in random places where you know your partner will find them
Call your partner just to say Hi
Make cooking and serving candlelit dinners a regular occurrence
Have intimate lunches together
Give flowers on days other than birthdays, Christmas, valentines, etc.
Write a romantic poem and read it to your partner
Write a list of the reasons why you love your partner and stick it on their bedroom wall
Learn some massage techniques to use on your partner
Phone just before going to bed to wish them sweet dreams

There are of course other things that you could do, but those ideas listed above are more than enough, so long as you follow them through and put your heart into them. By implementing even a few of them, your partner will be in no doubt as to how your feelings towards them. Also, remember, that affection returns affection, so, by starting to be affectionate and romantic yourself, your partner will soon starting responding to you in the same way. Soon enough, you will be romantic bliss!

Article Source :

Author Resource : Continue : By Mark Walters.